Ok, so today I feel like writing in English. I still can't decide which language to write in. I guess I have been away from Sweden so long that it is almost more confortable to write in English.
When I was younger I kept diaries all the time. I still have them all in abox in the basement. I have told my kids to write journals or diaries but I don't think they see the pleasure in it. I use to love to go back and read what I had been up to a year ago for example. That is what I want to use this blog for. A blog is really todays diary, right...
The pisture is from the cocktail reception at the MaRS centre last week when the Queen and King of Sweden came for a state visit to Kanada. There was 300 people but I don't think everybody got to talk to them!!!!
I am going to use this blog for "ranting" as well. I am not sure of the meaning of ranting but what I mean is that I most often have certain things that I just can't believe. It sometimes is good but most often it is bad...Like the cupcake day at my kids school was suppose to take place on NOV.1 the day after Halloween, HELLOOO! Who in their right mind wants to bring in 24 cupcakes to school and tell your kids that yes, you had tons of candy yesterday but here you are, have a cupcake!!! I talked to my oldest daughters teacher and we decided to postpone it til next week. So now I ahve rantet about that. Anothr thing I am ranting about is Organized snack at kids sport events. I was sent this great article from NY times. I ahve forwarded it to lots of people and everybody agrees with me. I will try to post it on my blog.
As I mentioned earlier I use to write diaries. I also wrote tons and tons of letters. I still have lots of them. Not my letters but my friends that I got in return. It was great when I moved to NYC in -88 I remember taking the elevator down to the mailbox and most often there was a letter. My most devoted friend to write was Pia! We must have exchanged at least 200 letters over the years, maybe more actually.
Ok, I have fold some laundry before bed time!
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