May 24 was mormor's birthday. She would have been 98 today if she was still alive. Incredible! I wish she was still with us! Sometimes I think I should call her but the I remember that I can't.
In 3 days my mom is turning 70. That is another totally unreal thing. I feel like she should be 58 for some reason. That is 12 years ago, when I was 33- yes, time could have stopped there when it comes to aging. THen again. Sigrid would have been 2 for ever and Pippi just a few months and Jojo would not be born...
Have to include a picture of my very north american daughter. She is graduating from 8th grade and is entering High School in the fall. I am very proud of her. She is going in to the IB programme and is nervous but also super excited!
Have to get some sleep- tomorrow is the bug track meet- Jojo is doing relay and Pippi is stand in for Kate, who fractured her foot, in triple jump! Fingers crossed, please!!
Will return shortly to show pic's from our new store front at Beaches Bake Shop & Cafe!!