OOps, have not been writing much lately.
I have been BUSY! Got the Happaranda Kitchen Lunches going at The Beaches Bake Shop and twice / week I am doing cooking classes for kids. The cooking classes are awesome! They run from 4-5.15pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. I have 6-8 kids in each of the groups. I specially love working with the little boys. They are sooooo adorable and interested. I have chefs hats for them and you cna just imagine how cute they are in their aprons and hats. This coming week we are making maroccan meatballs and swedish meatballs. It will be served with cous cous and hummus. i love to teach the kids. The great thing is that I have Frida helping me with the classes. Frida is Swedish and a school teacher, how perfect is that??? Here i have attached my logo's.
Do you like them?? They downloaded in the wrong colours unfortuantely. Don't know why they are so blue. Happaranda is in chocolate brown , not blue! karin, my super friend from NYC and now lives in Stockholm designed the logos. She has been so much help. I will write much more and include my menu and stuff another da but now it is time for me to get to bed! Goodnight!