Jag har blivit utmanad av malin2 och forsoker mig nu pa att svara pa all fragor.
Here we go!
1. Beskriv reglerna
2. Svara på alla frågorna
3. Välj ut 6 personer som du vill ska svara och utmana dem i deras bloggar.
4. Be dem läsa din blogg.
5. Låt personen som utmanade dig veta när du svarat på utmaningen.
Fem saker som finns på din Att-göra-lista idag?
1. Skriva inköps lista till en catering vi har på lördag
2. Skriva upp Jojo på camp en vecka när stora systrarna är pa sova borta camp
3. Sova i tid så jag orkar upp för att gå på bootcamp klockan 06.30
4. Inte bråka med äldsta dottern
5. Ta mig tid, leva i nuet!
Vad gjorde du för 10 år sedan?
Ja, 1998 hade vi precis lamnat vart forsta hus i Lake Oswego, OR o ch flyttat till Vancouver, WA. Barnen var sma och Mark jobbade mycket.
Ställen du bott på?
Stockholm, Oslo, Malmo, Uppsala, New York, Portland,OR, Vancouver, WA, Toronto
Fem saker du skulle göra om du var biljonär?
1. Fixa till vart hus som vi skulle vilja ha det och lite till
2. Kopa en liten rod folkvagn och satta taste-buddies logga pa den
3. Resa till Sverige och kopa ett sommar hus pa Osterlen.
4. Kopa boende till mamma i Toronto
5. Resa, trana, bjuda kompisar med pa resor mm mm
Sadar ja, da var det nastan gjort. Sex stycken bloggare som ska utmanas och bes lasa min blogg- oj,oj kan inte komma pa nagon alls. Far tanka pa det en liten stund. Ska informera malin2 att jag antagit utmaningen och dessutom nastan svarat.
Now I will continue in english again. The summer is in full swing. Today was the first official smog alert issued in Toronto. Last year there had been 8 on July 7th. I love the heat. The cafe had it's slowest day EVER today or I should correct that, slowest since we took over in February. I guess we were prepared for this because we did not freak out and it is kind of obvious, I guess. It was super warm and people are away at cottages or have left the country for Europe, South America or some other fun place to visit. I am enjoying staying put this summer. We have travelled so much previous summers. Sigrid is bored out of her mind but she is leaving for camp on Thursday so a bit of boredom won't hurt her. Pippi is going with her and it will be super quiet around here for 2! weeks. Jojo is signed up to do a theatre camp. I hope she will enjoy that. After the camp things start to happen. Laura from France arrives and the day after she gets here we are going to Picton for 2 nights with two other families. I have been wanting to check out Prince Edward County for a long time so I am excited about it.
The pictures I added today was taken last weekend when our good friend Francois came for a short visit from France. He loves food as much we do so the choice what to do on Saturday morning was easy- St. Lawrence Market of course. This time we all biked there and it was as usually great. Unfortunately we came to late for Sigrid's favourite sausages- the veal/ spinach- they are soo yummy!
Oh, time flies and I am going to bootcamp in the morning. Jojo just called and wanted to come home from her sleep over- that's ok. She said she missed me- who can resist that?? As always, I'd love to know you where here and thanks to you , who leaves me small messages- I love it!