Wow, over a month since I wrote last time....
My mom is still here but that is the only thing that is constant, I think.
What has happened since last??
Lots of work, we did a catering for 380 people at a night club called CIRCA here in Toronto. It was for the Danish Film Institute and we did a great job if I can say it myself.Lotte luckily was in between jobs the days before the event so she could concentrate on this ginormous cocktail party. We have also had a break in to our house. Very upsetting and not fun AT ALL! Someone broke the glass by the front door and went through our entire house. They took all small electronics, cameras, Ipods, docks for Ipods, my wedding ring, perfume and guess what else he stole, our SHAMPOO! He treated the break-in as a one stop shop! The police came that night and investigated and wrote down a report etc. The worst thing is that someone has been in our house and gone through our stuff but the best thing is that NOBODY was home! Sigrid could have been here, my mom could have been in the basement watching TV or something. I wonder how people that break in to houses really function. Does anybody know?? At the cafe we are still working hard. We have had smaller caterings and busy lunches. I have to make the menu for this next week right no actually..instead I am sitting here writing this while watching the movie 27 dresses. It is Mothers Day and I just bought my first pair of Converse. They are really cute. I also bought a pair of Tretorn rain boots, they are cute as well. Tonight we are having bbq and I am going to bed early to be ready and awake for my new week. Have to plan a menu so bye for now! Will try to be back before a month suddenly has gone by!