Sunday, May 06, 2018

Turning things around to fit me!

Ok, time is flying by! 
Some things in my life seem constant. 
My girls are the best thing that ever happened to me! 
I love people!
I still want to spend the rest of my life with Lasse!
I love seasons even if now, in April, I want to move to constant sunny weather. How can it possibly be allowed to snow in April? 
Other things in life can feel constant because they have been happening for a long time, they have become a habit, you have it or you’re doing it just because that’s what has been going on for a while. 
Those things can instantly change from constant til maybe not for much longer or be over in a blink of an eye. 
That’s how I feel about what I have been spending most of my awaken time on for the past 12 years. My cafe. It’s crazy, but one email and a for sale sign on the building is making me think in terms of closing. I have played around with the thought for a few weeks now and I have even told a few friends and customers. Sometimes when I talk or think about these changes ahead I get very emotional. A customer yesterday gave me a big blank stare like he couldn’t really process what he had just heard me saying. 
When the news about the building, where the cafe is, came to my attention I felt beaten down. I thought, crap!! I have worked so hard for the past 12 years with this and then someone else is coming here and telling me that it’s over. If I think back on the past 1.5 years I feel like these situations repeat themselves. 
I can say that today I am super proud over how I usually handle things that is thrown at me. It is not hard for me to feel a bit down sometimes but I can feel exhilarated and happy as easy. Something that I perceive as bad news one day can the next day be treated as “good” news becuce I have had time to think about how I can look at it from a positive way. 
I am sure I will write more about this in the next few months. I don’t really know what the future holds for me but I am much more exited than worried so it’s  all a good thing!! 

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