Wednesday, June 27, 2007

School is out and summer is here in full force! Wow, today was hotter that ever. I started the day early this morning with a quick conversation with mamma on Skype then continued with boot camp on the beach at 5.30am, went home prepared the kids for the last school day of the year and went to the grocery store. Shopped in a rush while talking to Lotte on the phone. Came to Happaranda Kitchen and started making quiches, potato salad, see picture. Lunches was supposed to slow down considerably now when the students doesn't come anymore but I have been pretty busy this week actually.
Big news is that I have decided not to continue Happaranda Kitchen in the same format as I have done this spring. Lots of different reasons but the biggest one is that I can't see myself committing more time and stress than I have done and that is not enough in order to stay in Beaches Bake Shop. My hope is to continue taste-buddies in some form or another. I am still working on that...I know that taste-buddies is something I really want to keep going.
Sigrid is going away for 2!!! weeks on Friday and I will miss her! It fees weird that I have to work and won't be able to take her up to camp. I am sure it's good for her and Mark to bond a bit but my ego is selfish and wants to be everywhere and not miss anything!
Have retire to bed right now! Way tooo late once again.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Oops, the link I added in regards to the fabulous knife I bought yesterday is incorrect, Actually, not incorrect but it's the wrong link if you want to check out what someone else had to say about this knife. Another great food blog is Brax on Food That is where I read about the knife. Both these blogs are AWESOME! Anne's Food is as I mentioned, written in english while Brax on Food is written in Swedish. Just had to clarify all that! Enjoy the day!

Ok, I am back!

Summer is here in full force and I have no clue what I will do in the fall. Very frustrating!! I know what I WANT to do but sometimes the two do not go hand in hand unfortunately. Hopefully I will know by the end of this week what the future regarding my working life will hold for me.
Yesterday was spent in a little town north of Toronto, Orangeville. Big Lacrosse play day and daughter one and two participated. It was a beautiful day and the girls had fun. I managed to find a farmers market and bought lots of goodies. I also found a kitchen store where I bought a new knife. I read about this amazing knife on Anne's Food, a great blog by a swedish girl who writes in english. Anyway, the knife is called a pastry knife. Anne talked about the make, Victorinox but the one I bought is made by Wusthof. You can use it for everything, slicing tomatoes, bread, a roast and many more things. I love it and feel that I have worked hard enough these past 3 months so I could definitely justify a little purchase like that!
It is early on Sunday morning..the coming week is BUSY! Graduations, school ending and one daughter going off to camp!! At times like these I realize the difference between working from home and not working from home. There is a lot of planning that has to take place for everything to function somewhat normal. Don't quite know how Happaranda Kitchen is going to serve it's loyal customers tomorrow, I will go in and prepare a few salads and make up some sandwiches but there will be no Panini's or custom made salads. Sorry for the inconvenience!!
Ok, it is almost time to listen to today's sommarpratare on swedish radio! That's summer for me!!! Have to go and relax a bit before this Sunday starts..take care until next time

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Bara supesnabbt!
Var precis inne och kollade på årets sommarpratare. Den 23 juni är det första programmet och gissa vem som inleder, Ulf Lundell! Sedan är det Mark Levengoods tur och efter det följer en hel drös av skojiga och intresssanta sommar pratare. I can´t wait!
Har inte tid att skriva just nu egentligen men var bara tvungen att informera om sommar programmet!
Jag skriver mer inom kort!
Adjö och kram

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Ok, now it's three weeks since last time......I guess time flies when you are having fun. I am having fun, almost always...When I am not having fun is when my house is a total mess and the rest of the family decides to ignore the fact that EVERYONE has to pitch in to help! I wonder if other people have the same "problem"?
I have cooked at Happaranda Kitchen for 10 weeks now and I have done as many cooking classes. The cooking classes are a blast still. I really hope to do more in the fall.
I have a little summer course July 3-5 between 2.30 and 4pm. Hopefully I'll get kids signed up for that. Sigrid is playing semifinal in Baseball today and tomorrow it's second meet of track and field. Don't know how I will be able to swing it all but I guess it will all work out.
Then Jojo's birthday party is on Saturday after the Triathlon and on Sunday I am SLEEPING!
Pippi is having her party on the 14th at Laser Quest! Yippie, can't wait to go there. Actually before Pippi's party I have two fairly big caterings.
On July 17th we will go to Paris and then from there to Malmo and Stockholm. I can't wait! We won't be back in Toronto until late August.
I am looking forward to meet friends in Sweden that I haven't seen for a long time. Will try not to book us to crazy but that's hard when you want to see everyone.
Then the fall will come and I will hopefully find myself back at Happaranda Kitchen. We are not quite there yet but hopefully it will be that way.
It's early morning and I have lots to do so have to go!
Let me know you visited!