Tuesday, January 17, 2012

People are trying to blog a 100 days in a row. I have not blogged in a million years.....don't know why I suddenly kind of feel some little need to express myself here again.
I am still a cafe' owner, mother of three girls and married to Mark. We have been busy with life. Past year included knee injuries and reconstructive surgery after ski racing accident- not fun!, finished our house renovation- very nice and lots of fun, spent 2 weeks in Stockholm last spring- loved it and would love to make it a tradition. Over the recent holiday we went to Austria. Spent 4 days in Salzburg and the rest in Bad Gastein. It was the best family vacation and exactly what we needed. I realized that I actually really like my kids. You know how you sometimes wonder what planet they just arrived from or how you possibly could be more unsuccessful in raising responsible people. Anyway, we are in a good place at the moment and I really am trying to suck in these times. I know very soon we will all be in different places and I will wonder if my girls are ok and if they are doing the right thing. I know I will be ready when the day come to say goodbye and have fun but for now I feel like I want to stop time for a while.

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