Tuesday, November 25, 2008

An ordinary Tuesday night has passed. Mark was out on some work thing and I was home with the girls. Had planned to maybe go to Costco and IKEA but when I thought a bit more and looked at the darkness outside I decided against it. It was ice to just stay home and do nothing. I was up early this morning and is already tired for bed.
My Garland oven is not connected yet and our landlord wants proof that it is hooked up according to code before we start using it. Nothing is really simple in life.....
Now on to to something totally different. I am supposed to teach a Swedish Cooking Class in early January at a cheese store across the street from the Cafe. Give me some tips on what to cook!!!! I did one in the spring and made gravlax, venison, cloudberry parfait and a few other things. I am thinking of veal Stew in Dill Sauce. It is one of my favourite dishes. Please if you read this and have suggestions- give them to me!!!!! Ok, off to bed I go! I am "scheduled" to get up super early for a spinn class tomorrow morning.
Bye for now!


Anonymous said...

Hej darling, tips på svensk mat! Här är några av mina favoriter: Kycklinglevermousse, löksoppa, Rullader, Kåldolmar, Löjrom m tillbehör på rösti el blinis, Ris a la malta, Bohuslänsk äggost, lax i alla former, knäckebröd, inlagd sill, Janssons frestelse, små mördegskakor, äpplekaka, kärleksmums... oj vad det finns mycket gott när man är hungrig!
Vad duktig du är som spinnar! Jag springer fortfarande varannan morgon, men det är inte ens hälften så jobbigt. Kram kram från Anne

Anonymous said...

Stopping by to say "Hello"!

Any chance of seeing you guys over the holiday? The boys (and Nader) have the next two weeks off. We're planning a short trip to Boyne, MI for skiing but other than that should be around.

How's the cafe? And everything else?


Ewa said...

Ja, du hade massa gott på caféet! Synd att du inte var där, men jag kommer garanterat att återkomma när jag är i krokarna. Det var gott med kanelbulle!