I don't even know how long ago it is since I wrote here last time. Blogging again is something I have thought about doing for a while. My life has changed drastically to the WAY BETTER in the past year or so. The relationship I was in when I started blogging I am no longer in. It came to an abrupt halt almost 1 1/2 year ago. As many other women before me and many women after me has and will, I experienced infidelity. I was "done" with the relationship and my emotions when it came to an abrupt halt was as much relief, being scared, happy, shocked as just filled with new in every cell of my body. I could not believe there was really a way out. I had not suffered that much. I had a good life but was spending it with someone who did not want to spend it with me and therefore I really did not want to spend it with him. Since that day I have started a relationship with a man I used to know back in 1983! We were boyfriend/ girlfriend for about 1 1/2 year. In 1983 I moved in to his apartment and I have always thought of L as a great guy! The biggest reason we broke up back then was that I wanted more adventure, I think. I am not telling the story of us right now, that is a different chapter.
There has obviously been ups and downs since I started my new life. In the beginning my girls for example were just on board with what ever I wanted to do. After a while this changed to them making me feel I was selfish. I was thorn...I am still thorn sometimes. It is hard to know what is the right thing to do or how is the right way to be.
I am trying every day to be the person I can stand up for and say Yes, I am accountable for my actions and for what I am saying! This blog is good for that reason as well. It's hard not to be accountable for your words when they are written here.